Care Instructions

To ensure the life of Lovesick jewelry, do not expose it to water. Please remove your jewelry while exercising, bathing, swimming and avoid contact with perfumes, lotions, alcohols and hair products.


We recommend cleaning your jewelry using a damp, soft cloth. Make sure to fully dry the piece before wearing it. Do not use harsh chemicals, jewelry cleaners, or polishing cloths, as this will affect the finish. We suggest storing your brass jewelry in the box that we provide.


Tips to make it last

• Humidity is the enemy; keep it dry! Store your goodies individually in the air-tight plastic baggie or the box included with your jewelry.

• Avoid rough wear to slow down the natural process of “wear and tear”.

• Put on your jewelry last. Perfume, hairspray, hand sanitizers & other types of lotion contain harsh chemicals and alcohol that can tarnish your jewelry over time.

• For extra care, gently wipe each piece of jewelry clean of any products and skin oils with a soft dry towel.

• Never use abrasive products to clean your jewelry. They can damage irreparably.


Feel free to email us if you happen to have any additional questions related to this:


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